COVID-19 Resource Center

Through uncertainty and loss, we’re here to help.


Loss is one of the hardest things any of us will deal with. Losing a loved one during the pandemic makes every part of it so much harder.

And although we, like everyone else, may be far away, we want to reach out and help you get through it, via both our app and our free library of online resources.

Next-level support for bereaved families

The Empathy app gives you step-by-step instructions for everything you need to take care of, tailored to your specific location and situation. With helpful tools that simplify even the hardest tasks, and the human support you need at any time.

Woman with shadow
Carrying on after COVID-19
Robert, 38, grieving his partner
My partner’s last weeks were a blur of pain and confusion. One day he was testing positive for COVID. A few days later we were making the awful decision to go to the ER in the middle of the night. A week from that, he stopped breathing. The hospital told me they had his body in the morgue. I was flat on the floor. Now I have to figure all this out by myself? It was just overwhelming. A Care Manager guided me through the first steps: She helped me write a list of the people in my life I should contact first, to get support. Then she helped me pick a funeral home, and called them for me. She showed me the tools in the app that would help, like a checklist I could follow to plan each part of the funeral. It was these small things that got me through the first few terrible days.