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Bills & Debt

Browse our expert advice
Can I inherit my loved one’s debt?

Once a probate court sorts out creditors’ claims, they cannot come after your own money to satisfy any unpaid debts. However, there are some exceptions that could mean you’re on the hook for paying back at least some of what your loved one owed.. 

Know your rights: Unsecured debts and illegal collection

If your loved one left debts behind, these will be paid out of their estate, not your pocket. But that may not stop creditors from trying to intimidate you into paying. Learn how to defend yourself against these illegal deceptive practices.

Paying a loved one’s bills

When you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, the last thing you may want to think about is bills. Luckily, not all charges need to be tackled at once. Prioritizing bills and taking care of yourself in the process will help you through this task.