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Probate essentials: Everything an executor needs to know

Probate involves locating your loved one’s assets and appraising them, paying off taxes and debts, and distributing the remainder of the estate to its beneficiaries. There are several steps to the process, all of which are dictated by state law.

When is full probate necessary?

Going through a full probate process can involve a lot of time, money, and emotional energy. The good news is that most estates do not need to go through this lengthy process, and instead can go through a shortened, informal probate or avoid it altogether.

First steps for an executor

You've been named the executor—now what? After finding and reading the will, you will next have to make sure it’s valid, share its contents with your family and any others named in the will, and finally file it with a special court called probate court.

Probate is often a long and complex process, but it is also completely manageable if you stay organized and follow the instructions of the court. It’s definitely still a good idea to avoid the full probate process, if you can. We’ll walk you through whichever scenario applies to your loved one’s estate.